Why won’t my baby mimic?

Adorable baby plays with toys

Why won’t my baby mimic? Mimicking is the way somebody is copying other people’s way of speaking and moving in order to laugh. So babies are also trying to imitate their mom’s and other people’s words, body language, and actions in many ways. It is so funny for other people because babies are so cute … Read more

Which baby age is the hardest?

A toddler is wearing a hat.

Parenting is not an easy task. it is a universally accepted truth. this multi-faceted endless procedure needs courage and dedication. some say infancy is the hardest. Others say toddlerhood. Many parents face challenges during preschool time. Most mothers say the new motherhood would be “chaotic”, “ tiring” and “stressful”. Some mothers said the first 12 … Read more

Why do baby eyebrows turn red when tired?

baby sleeps on her mom's shoulder

Do most parents worry that “why do baby eyebrows turn red when tired”? As parents, we need to catch our baby’s signs before they come too tired to sleep well. Actually, this is a brilliant Idea. All parents should early think about this very well especially when they first time parents. You should have the … Read more

Why does my toddler hump at night?

Adorable toddler is smiling

Humping in bed is a very common phenomenon among many kids. But many parents are caught absolutely of God when they see their tiny once suddenly running mock humping pillows and dolls sometimes mostly the other body parts. So they always ask “Why does my toddler hump at night? Most of the time your child … Read more

Why do baby crunch forward

why babies do crunches

Most babies are trying to do baby crunches every time they are in a semi-incline position such as a bouncy chair, newborn rocker, swing, or dare parent’s knees. Most parents tell us that the babies started to pull up like they are trying to sit up. Still, parents ask”why do babies crunch forward?” It looks … Read more

Why does my toddler scrunch his face?

baby scrunched his face

Interpreting the facial expressions of your baby is a skill. It says lots of things. Sometimes it shows that your baby is about to cry. They show a cheeky mischievous look. If your baby conveys a simple expression, that can have many messages for you. If the parents are unable to understand this they ask … Read more

About Chin

baby care and child development

Hi everyone and welcome to mybabycaresolutions.com. I am chinthaka. This may be a simple step toward making a giant business in the field of baby care and child development. We will provide you with reliable and practical guidance in managing your child softly and productively same as our competing colleagues I made my mission to … Read more