What is Cerebral Palsy

Adorable baby cuddlels in mom's hands

Cerebral palsy is a permanent but changing impairment of posture and movements. It results from lesions or anomalies of the brain in the early stages of its development. The most apparent problems are motor problems in cerebral palsy patients. But we can see a complex of associated issues mainly with perception. If a child needs … Read more

Which baby age is the hardest?

A toddler is wearing a hat.

Parenting is not an easy task. it is a universally accepted truth. this multi-faceted endless procedure needs courage and dedication. some say infancy is the hardest. Others say toddlerhood. Many parents face challenges during preschool time. Most mothers say the new motherhood would be “chaotic”, “ tiring” and “stressful”. Some mothers said the first 12 … Read more