Why does my baby rub her feet together?

baby rubs her smoothy feet together

If your baby can not effectively communicate, they use unusual gesture types. These gestures express many of the daily needs and ideas of the parents. Sometimes those are signs of confusion or worry. It is a very common phenomenon for babies to rub their feet together in general. Babies try to fulfill their sensory needs … Read more

Explore their world with newborn baby words

children are playing happily

The only way a newborn communicates their ideas is by crying.  They are crying continuously to fulfill their primary needs. When it applies to a 6-month-old baby, they are at the beginning of their articulating sounds and comprehending a few words. Meantime newborn baby words start to express their frustration and happiness to their parents … Read more

Why does my baby pinch me?

baby is pinching the dad's nose

Your children are always exploring things in the surrounding world. They experiment things with various things they find. So children bite, have full hair, and pinch. Sometimes they do it for themselves and others as well. This mostly happens in 6-12 of age. Your baby needs to pinch you first and then they want to … Read more

Why does my toddler use my finger to point?

Baby points on a computer screen to her mom

Pointing is a very important developmental milestone for your baby. Some toddlers point independently toward things and some need their parent’s fingers to point to specific things they need. So Parents may think ” why does my toddler use my finger to point? I consider this pointing to a huge milestone in your baby’s development. … Read more

Why does my newborn wiggle so much?

cute newborn baby is wiggling

The infant shows various behavior cues even if the baby is premature or sick. Those behavior cues help them to grow and develop their developmental milestones. “Why does my newborn wiggle so much?” is a common observation of first-time moms In addition to that, they see various facial expressions, movements, breathing patterns, and baby skin … Read more

Why does my toddler jump all the time?

Children do strange things most of the time. They jump up and down and talk more about the things they are passionate about. Sometimes this behavioral pattern seems a bit strange to the family members and the parents. So they ask ‘why does my toddler jump all the time?” Excessive jumping is simply a sign … Read more

Why does my baby fidget so much?

Cute newborn baby

Fidgeting is a kind of small movement pattern in your baby’s body, especially with their hands & feet. Most moms ask, why does my baby fidget so much? It often reflects discomfort and restlessness. Typically these movements occur with small amplitude and moderate speed. It shows small movements of the neck, trunk, and limbs in … Read more